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Program Schedule

Pinnacle Behavioral Health offers hybrid IOP programming for

both the High School and Middle School programs. 


Hybrid Programming Schedule:


High School

Monday and Thursday are virtual. Parents participate along with their child in program on these days. 

Tuesday and Friday are in person and are patient only. 


Middle School

Tuesday is virtual. Parents participate along with their child in program on these days.

Wednesday is in person and parents participate along with their child in program on these days.

Friday is in person and is patient only.


All assessments/intakes are conducted on Zoom. We will email each family paperwork to fill out as well as the link to the meeting with instructions. If you would prefer to have the assessment in person, we can accommodate this on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 


Family sessions and medication appointments can be done virtually or in person.


Graduate group is at the office and is scheduled from 430-6pm every Wednesday.


For all other questions or concerns, please call us at 860.451.4101 or email us at


Thank you for your help and patience.


-The Pinnacle Team

Pinnacle Behavioral Health 

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